Social! Come hang out with us - we're specifically opening the brewhouse to members of any home brew club. Come one, come all, try our brew, bring your own. Food and drinks will be provided, we want to share our space with our fellow clubs!
We need a few people to brew for the keezer for this event. Please let Mark Walters know if you are brewing. We also would like a few club ambassadors to bring the invitation to other clubs - let me know what club you can personally invite and I'll get you all the details!!
I can make contact with the HOPS folks.
Hi I can contribute a beer if someone donates the use of their keg for the purpose
I Will definitely make it and will help spread the work to the Evanston Homebrew Club.
Note - we moved this to SATURDAY by popular demand!
Yeah, I'm in representing the North Side, Evanston Homebrew Club. Well met kind sirs!
Sean T.
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good effort.
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