NHC 2017

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Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Alchemist, member since
NHC 2017

A huge thank you to Jeff, Julene, Rob, James, Reed, Mark Paris, Matookwan and Brandon who helped with the setup and tear down of the CHAOS booth at club night.  

A huge thank you to Steven Lane, Mike Struck and I think Steve3730 for being at the brewhouse on Friday brewing and hanging out.  The live feed was a huge success.  The booth looked awesome, I don’t know how we did not win best booth.

Thanks to everyone who attended the event, Rob, James, Jeff, Matt, Chuck, Mark Walters, Mark Paris, Nancy, Matookwan, Reed, Brandon, Julene.


Sorry if I forgot anyone, but it’s been a long weekend and drive home.  Pictures to come soon.

Brandon Kessler
Brandon Kessler's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
​LOL! Thanks, Bill!

​LOL! Thanks, Bill!

And a HUGE thanks to you for coordinating everything! Without you we couldn't have pulled it off. And thanks to everyone who transported all the equipment. That was a large undertaking for sure!


Ps, I'll be at the brewhouse signing autographs this weekend.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 3 days 12 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
We all owe Bill and Icehouse

We all owe Bill and Icehouse a huge thank you. They organized a kick-ass booth for club night and trip to Homebrew Con; for only $400! And most of that was for the banner Steven created, which is re-useable if we can keep from lighting it on fire.

A few takeaways:

- I can't think of a better way to showcase our club and brewhouse than with the live streaming and booth set-up we had at club night. The live streaming, tent, lights, Boolish and Icehouse's arc de CHAOS, Steven's ass, our artwork on display, and the banner were supported by having 15 of us there and free to talk about the club. The fact that everyone who brewed for it supplied us with kick-ass beer drove home the point that we're not just a gimmick.

- Brandon's two-peat of the FastRack Challenge has supplied the club with equipment we can raffle off at parties.

- Randy Mosher really likes CHAOS a lot and has offered to do another workshop at the brewhouse.

- The other Chicago brew clubs at the con were able to meet a decent number of CHAOS members and vice versa. 

- Nine people sharing one bathroom is not a pleasant experience.

- One or two club members should create and submit a brewing seminar for next year's convention.

Next year it will be in Portland, Oregon on June 28-30!

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 4 days 13 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
We can always ask Randy what

We can always ask Randy what he would like to present or something, but I would love to have a seminar on just plain "tasting beer," I mean, he did write the book on it. I think a lot of people, including myself, could learn some valuable information. 


And not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am trying to figure out some seminar topics. I have a lot of public speaking/presentation experience from my day job and think it's one of my stronger suits. I just need a great, original idea to run with. I am hoping something interesting comes of my naturally harvested yeast project, but even that is gaining momemtum among the mainstream. So if anyone has any other ideas clear of reading lager strains off a piece of paper, I'm all ears. 

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Thanks Bill, Icehouse, Steven

Thanks Bill, Icehouse, Steven, and everyone else for representing CHAOS so well!  Brandon, I'll take one of your autographs on your winning IPA bottle!