Wed, Oct 18, 2017 - 11:11am
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since print $member_since; ?>
What happened to the electrical feed on the Chiller?
Hey all... What happened to the electrical feed on the chiller?
All kinds of sketchy looking with electrical tape. That doesn't look safe.
Haha. Use at your own risk! I kid.
We were having problems with the chiller the other week. In the midst of trouble shooting we switched out the actual pump to the one on our previous chiller. Unfortunately when the old chiller was being dismantled someone cut the power cord right at the base.
I re-wired it with a new power cord (the reason the cord is orange now and not black). Rest assured underneath all that electrical tape are legit electrical twist connections (the like the one below).
Zzzzzaaaapppppp!!!! Arhhhhggggg.... Brewhouse insurance is paid up right?