Muntons & CHAOS Scottish Light Competition

Jeff W's picture
Friday, April 27, 2018 - 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
2417 W Hubbard St
60612 Chicago , IL

Enter CHAOS’ Club-Only competition, sponsored by Muntons Malted Ingredients - the winning brewers will be featured in a national ad for Muntons in either BYO or Zymurgy and top three will receive medals.

A BJCP accredited competition, you’ll get high-quality feedback from BJCP judges. Beers entered will be judged as a Scottish 60 Shilling/ 14(a) Scottish Light in the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.  According to the guidelines, a 14a Scottish Light is:   

A malt-focused, generally caramelly beer with perhaps a few esters and occasionally a butterscotch aftertaste. Hops only to balance and support the malt. The malt character can range from dry and grainy to rich, toasty, and caramelly, but is never roasty and especially never has a peat smoke character. Traditionally the darkest of the Scottish ales, sometimes nearly black but lacking any burnt, overtly roasted character.

Commercial Examples: McEwan's 60

There are two Scottish Light Recipes in the Brewing Classic Styles book.

This is a one-style/two category competition. The first category would be judged to the exact 14(a)style as listed above. The second category would be a specialty beer with 14(a) as the base beer.  The specialty category could be a smoked Scottish Light, or a Heather Scottish Light, etc


Wednesday, April 25, 2018:  Entries due at the Brewhouse by midnight

Friday, April 27, 2018 6 pm - 8:00 pm:  Judging

Friday, April 27, 2018 8:00 pm:  Announcement of awards, sharing of entries, bottle share, food

Prize and Metal Presentation:   Chaos Cerveza De Mayo Party

                                             (Winners would be encouraged to serve the beer at the party)


1.       Participation is limited to members of CHAOS

2.       All entries must be brewed and fermented at the CHAOS Brewhouse

3.       Must be brewed using a Muntons Base Malt (Maris Otter, Propino Extra Pale currently available to members)

4.       One entry per brewer

5.       Enter your beer here by April 15, 2018

6.       Submit two 12-ounce bottles of your beer, in brown bottles with no distinguishing markings, with your name on a piece of paper rubber-banded to each bottle by April 23, 2018

7.       For the specialty beer category, please include a description for the judges of the specialty ingredients or process

Entering competitions like this is a great way to get feedback on your beers - the entries will be made anonymous by the competition coordinators so the judges won’t know who brewed which beer and the feedback will be unbiased.

You can brew for this in pairs, with co-brewers, if you’d like.   With 3+ months notice, you can start planning your brew now and reserve a brew time.  For more info on Scottish Light, take a look at the and

Questions?  Ask the organizing committee:  Patty McGuire, Jim Vondracek 

Matookwan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 12 months ago
How I can get Muntons Base

How I can get Muntons Base Malt (Maris Otter, Propino Extra Pale)?

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
You can buy it upstairs for

You can buy it upstairs for $1/pound.