Some folks are reporting issues with Bru'n Water's pH predictions I don't have any insight into this, I use the BeerSmith pH calculator, but I know some CHAOSers use Bru'n Water and might want to look into this.
Tue, May 8, 2018 - 10:10am
Bru'n Water and pH
Thanks for posting, Jim
I just read through that whole thread and this is my conclusion:
1) The person who started the thread swears he’s using pure RO water
2) He’s never actually sent his water to get it tested, so he doesn’t really know what he’s starting with in the 1st place (pH wise)
So, take it with a grain of salt.
So that's why I keep missing my target pH....
Interestingly, he's used multiple brands of RO water.
I have been high my last few brew days, myself. With no playoff hockey tonight, I'll have plenty of time to check out a few different calculators and see what they all say.
@Brandon: starting water pH really isn't all that important. It's the mineral content (as you also allude to) - but in this case I'm willing to take that grain of salt and believe that he's starting with at least very close to RO water, meaning that the effect of the grist should be far greater than the effect of the water on the resulting mash pH.
I think there's too many variables involved to get the exact pH you're targeting every time.. As long as it's close. But this guy's results are not close at all.
When you say you've been high Kyle, how high are we talking?
Varies depending on grist, but 0.3 - 0.4 pH units high (which is high).
It could be my measuring (I use the gradations on my plastic pipette which probably aren't accurate), and could also be my starting water volumes (same logic). We'll see what happens Thursday.
Something that's tripped me up in the past: my calibration solutions were old, so my pH meter set-points were off. They sell those solutions in single use packets which I previsouly had thought were a silly waste, but now I'm not so sure.
I apologize for this one in advance........but maybe you should wait to get high until after you have your water figured out....