I am going to make a mango habanero but have not brewed with habanero's before. Has any successfully brewed with habanero? How many peppers per 5 gallons? I like spice but also want it to be palatable. Idk if anyone has ever had El Chavo, but looking to attain a similar pepper level.
Tue, Oct 9, 2018 - 3:03pm
Mango Habanero Cider, how many habaneros?
My suggestion is to make a tincture, then add a little bit, wait a few days, try it, then add more if needed.
Ballpark starting number of habaneros to make said tincture?
I think five would be safe. Since you're controlling the amount of tincture being added to the cider, the tincture strength isn't super important.
I use 2 habaneros in my mango habanero gose for 5 gallons. I do my best to cut out the veins and seeds to limit the heat.
I’ve made my NEIPA with a tincture and you add to taste. This last batch I made it with 6 and the heat definitely built as the keg got low.