Below is a link to the T-Shirt, Work Shirt, and Patches order form for 2019. All pictures, pricing, sizes, payment instructions, etc. are included within the link/Google Sheet. Please note the following:
- All orders must be recorded and paid in full by Friday, April 19th via PayPal or Zelle/Quickpay only (no, I don’t have Venmo)- Email addresses and instructions are on the order form.
- Your total order should be recorded on the first tab “Order Form”, with each individual item order within the appropriate tabs
- We plan on having both the T-Shirts and Work Shirts back before Cervesa de Mayo on May 11th. The patches however are a crapshoot.
Special thanks to C.H.A.O.S. members Jason Gozy and Steven Lane for their design work and making this happen!
ORDER FORM LINK(link is external)
T-Shirts- $15
Work Shirts- $25
Logo Patches- $4
Name Patches- $3
Alchemist Patches- $3
ORDER FORM LINK(link is external)
Unisex Work Shirt Front Unisex Work Shirt Back
Unisex T-Shirt
Logo Patch
Name Patches
Alchemist Patches
Standard Patch Placement
Jon, thanks for organizing!! Steven and Jason, thanks for making us look presentable in public!
What material/brand T-shirts are they?
Kyle, here is the info from Jason regarding the shirts. Figured these would be a good intermediate step between the ones we ordered last time and the "super soft" ones that are also availabe.
next level 3600
the same shirt the "mill, mash, sparage, boil." was printed on. also a good shirt . (he's referring to the shirt Brandon had made if you've seen it)
Here is a link to the description: is external)
Sweet, thanks!
Thanks for putting this together, Jon!
I believe the calculations for t-shirts is wrong. I put in for 2 XL and it says $40, should'nt it be $30? The cell formula is =C34*20.
Oh and can you ship to Canada? I still need my Alchemist patches...
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Good catch. Will fix. Thanks Bill! Happy to mail your patcges and t-shirts to you. Will message you when they come in to get your address.
I didn't mean to sound like ass I will of course pay for the shipping.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Bump. We still have room for more shirt orders.
Hey, when are these coming in?
they're in
they're in
lol ok, where are they?
reach out to JonP. He was passing them out at the Tuesday meeting