We are down to one pet food bin of Munich, so I'm going to create another poll that will determine what we will buy during this group buy. As with last time, we'll buy a sack that will fill the pet food bins and be sold for $1/pound. Any requests for grains or adjuncts to be included on the poll?
Thu, Mar 28, 2019 - 12:12pm
Additional Grain for Upstairs
Yeah, if Munich was popular, why get something different?
The idea was to make this a rotational offering, that could be replenished during a group buy, rather than another grain to keep track of and order on a regular basis.
Here's the Doodle poll. It'll close next Friday at 3:00 pm!
I can offer an additional Blue Bin if you guys want to store misc grain by the sack in there. Each bin will hold 4 full 55# sacks. In my garage I lable the tops of these bins with the contents. This might be a way to offer more grains and keep them protected from rodents.
I keep the following onhand:
Bin 1 - Flaked: Wheat, Corn, Rice, Oats (rolled), Red Oats (Breiss 25# sacks)
Bin 2 - Maris Otter
Bin 3 - Briess 2 Row
Bin 4 - Wheat Malt, Munich, Vienna
Bin 5 - German Pils, Victory Malt
From here I usually end up buying < 2# of misc stuff from B&G. Usually Carapils, Melanoidin or a Carmel.
Actually I think we have a spare Blue Bin up there that I was loaning the Club for "Extra Pilsner",
We could use that as a Mixed Bin - Grain in the Bag experiment?
Thanks, James! We seem to be doing well with the bins we already have, including the three giant ones you were nice enough to donate late last year. There's currently plenty of room in them to store back up stock of the base grains we currently carry. We never intended the grain store to supply more than it currently does.
Good deal!
Munich won by a landslide!