Open to Fruited Kettle Sours: Fruited Gose, Fruited Berliner or Brazilian Catherina Sour. Trevor the head brewer of Old Irving Brewing says to go crazy and experiment with fruit combos. Trevor and other professional brewers will be invited to come to CHAOS to judge a weekday evening in the last week of June. Possibly June 26-27 or 28th. In July, Old Irving has an open brew schedule and will ramp the winning beer up to a 7BBL batch. The plan is for draft service at the bar, cans to go and maybe even a keg or two at network restaurant partners. All entries will go upstairs to pro judging. Entrants are encouraged to bring an extra bottle or two to share in the Brewhouse as we await the judges decision. This is a NON-BJCP event, brew for fun and experimentation.
The beer should be brewed onsite at CHAOS. Please be mindful of Sour Beer handling and use only designated sour gear and hoses for transfer.
Few guys wanna go in on lacto and build some starters? No sense in us all buying $13 packages or whatever it is.
Depending on how you stagger your brewing, you can pull off 1 sanitized mason jar from a souring batch at 48hrs to innoculate your next batch.
Who needs lacto when you can use carapils :D
Are we shooting for a more modern (smoothie-esqe) or traditional version of the style? Or up to the brewer?
Up to the brewer
Bumping this with a signup link....
OFFICIAL DETAILS FOR THE SOUR BEER SHOOTOUT: Open to Fruited Kettle Sours: Fruited Gose, Fruited Berliner or Brazilian Catharina Sour. Trevor the head brewer of Old Irving Brewing says to go crazy and experiment with fruit combos. Trevor and other professional brewers will be invited to come to CHAOS to judge a weekday evening in the last week of June. Exact date TBD. In July, Old Irving has an open brew schedule and will ramp the winning beer up to a 7BBL batch. The plan is for draft service at the bar, cans to go and maybe even a keg or two at network restaurant partners. All entries will go upstairs to pro judging. Entrants are encouraged to bring an extra bottle or two to share in the Brewhouse as we await the judges decision. is external)
For those on Slack please visit: #sourbeershootout channel for ongoing discussions
A refrence artice from BJCP Grand Master Judge Gordon Strong on Catharina Sours, Fruited Berliners and Florida Weissbier is below. is external)
The Sour Shootout Judging has been reconfirmed. June 28th @ 7pm at the Brewhouse. Judging upstairs, bottle share downstairs.