Hi all! BrewBQ is a little more than a month away! We will have the "beer engine" on hand to pump up to three Real British Ales for the party. Mike T will make a Best Bitter (pale english ale) and Steven Lane is also brewing a beer for this (sorry Steven - forgot what type!?)
BUT THERE IS STILL ROOM FOR ONE MORE! If anyone is interested please let me know - for those of you not familiar with a beer engine, this is to serve is the 'hand pulled' UK style of ale, usually served a cellar temperature and with only natural (low) cask carbonation which is typical a many traditional english beer styles.
I'd be happy to collaborate with someone on a beer...say maybe a traditional english porter? But cannot brew it on my own
I have an ESB I could contribute... let me know if you want that beer. It’s brewed already also.
I brewed a really low ABV pale, plan to dry hop with a classic British hop in the next week. I'll add it to the list. If it doesn't make the cut, it will be a nice keezer beer.
So... our British beer engine is featuring Mike T, Steven Lane and Stewpid this time. Cheers mates!
Cool, just dry hopped with East Kent Goldings, beer was tasting really good. My Maris Otter and Wheat combo went from 1.040 to 1.006 (4.46%), very mild pale but still has a nice malty finish.
Hey Todd, we do need your ESB for the 3rd tap on the cask engine.
You're not on the donation spreadsheet, so I put you on the menu as:
Extra Stewpid Brexit 5.5%
ESB - Todd Stewart
Oops, I forgot to put it on there. Thanks. Love the name btw