Hey All,
Our friends at Tacotlan who donated awesome food to Cervesa de Mayo last year are celebrating their 2 year anniversary on February 23rd! They're a BYOB family-owned restaurant that we helped them celebrate their 1-year anniversary last year with beers Jeff W. selected to pair with some of their top dishes. It was a huge hit with their customers and they've asked us to participate again this year. I just brewed a Dunkelweizen today to go with their pastor tacos (unreal pairing) and looking for 3 more beers and/or people who would like to come to help pour at their restaurant (4312 W Fullerton) on the 23rd. We may try to organize another food tasting time ahead of time to decide which beers to brew this year. Please let me know if you're interested! PM me or Slack @jonp.
Jon P
I'm in LMK what styles we need and I'll brew a non NEIPA
Whatever you want to brew is fine. Jeff is making a Chipotle Porter, Kyle is making a Saison, and I brewed a Dunkelweizen. A non-NE IPA / APA would be nice, but up to you.
OK, I'm brewing an APA...adjuncts, hops, and yeast will be delievred on Friday by GnomeBrew
That's a nice, well-rounded line-up. Good job, boys.