Farewell, Chaos!

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Brandon Kessler
Brandon Kessler's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Farewell, Chaos!

It's bittersweet for me to say - but I moved out of Chicago to Denver at the beginning of November.

I just wanted to drop a note to say how thankful I am that I was able to be a part of such a special group of unique, creative, knowledgeable, and good hearted individuals. I have learned invaluable lessons from CHAOS members over the past 6 years being a member of the club. I will be forever grateful for your input, patience, and generosity. It’s been my pleasure to serve the club and reciprocate the knowledge to newer members that was passed on to me. 


My plan was to have an outdoor happy hour "goodbye" of sorts at CHAOS, but with these fresh new restrictions in place I don't see that happening :/

You guys are in great hands moving forward and I'm excited for what the future holds for CHAOS! I wish you all many future competition medals, perfect carbonation, and immaculate head retention :) 



-Brandon Kessler 

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 3 days 19 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Oh man, very bittersweet, you

Oh man, very bittersweet, you're going to be missed in lots of ways. I even put "who's going to replace Brandon" on the November agenda ;-)

Hopefully we can catch you on a Chicago layover in 2021, I'll definitely look you up if I'm in thee mile high city — good luck on the move!

JonP's picture
Last seen: 6 days 15 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Just now seeing this.  You

Just now seeing this.  You will certainly be missed.  Thanks for all you've done for the club!!  Everyone's chances of winning a medal in a local competition certainly got better.   If you ever need a deal on Southwest Airlines flights to come back and visit, lmk.  I gotta guy. 

JamesFaircloth's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Just seeing this now as well.

Just seeing this now as well.  We'll miss you buddy!  Looking forward to catching up with you at GABFs and up on the slopes.  


Ben r.
Ben r.'s picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
The place won't be the same

The place won't be the same without you, Brandon (but we'll all win a few more medals this way).  Hope Denver is an amazing new chapter for you!  Thanks for everything you did for our club - you've CHAOS a lot better off than you found it!

Merry Christmas!

- Ben