CHAOS Q1 Club Comp: Team Stouts

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PBrewCook's picture
Last seen: 5 days 18 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
CHAOS Q1 Club Comp: Team Stouts

Winter is coming! It is time to brew some fire side sippers, dark and stormy brews, tummy warmers. . . I could go on and on. To keep things interesting, we are making this a team project. Each team of 2 brewers must consist of at least 1 experienced Brewer and 1 new Brewer (12 Months or less) This is an opportunity for CHAOS members to recruit a family member, friend or that special someone in your quarantine pod (make it a date night) that have never brewed before and welcome them to the dark side of beer obsessions. 

This will be BCJP Judged.

To coordinate this with Stout and Chili night, we would love for you to consider packaging your entries for our virtual event. Not required but it would be great to have Teams talk about their beers and experience levels before the winner is announced.  Your beers would be handed out with chili prior to the event.


Category: 15B/C, 16, 20B/C, and their versions under categories 29, 30, 32, and 33.

Sign Up Deadline: 12/15/2020

Sign up link:

Sign up when team is formed.

Requirement: Teams of 2. At least 1 experienced Brewer and 1 new Brewer (12 months or Less) and members of the club. This is a great chance to sign up one of your friends for a Trial Membership.

Please keep in mind COVID gathering Restrictions when reserving brewhouse time. Let people know you’re collaborating for this competition and have an additional brewer. Communication is key to keeping the brewhouse open. Look to our latest policies regarding brew days. (If you have an at home set up, feel free to use it. Anything to keep us all safe)

Submission Date: 1/23/2021 5 pm 4 bottles at the CHAOS Brewhouse.  1 Submission per team

                Brewers Names

                Phone Number

                BJCP Category  

Winner Announced: 1/30 at CHAOS’s Stout and Chili Night Zoom Event

PBrewCook's picture
Last seen: 5 days 18 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
For clarification: The Team

For clarification: The Team Stout Competition is BJCP judged. If you also want to win the popular vote, please donate 48 12 oz bottles of your beer so they can be included in the package CHAOS is planning for Stout Night. It's a chance to win 2 medals with one beer. We're asking for this quantity now in order to plan properly for the virtual Stout night. It's CHAOS's 10th Anniversary and we're hoping for robust support.

JonP's picture
Last seen: 2 days 10 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
If one were to split a batch

If one were to split a batch into 2 different flavored stouts, could they submit 24 of each and then combine the votes? Asking for a friend.

Alex Dropkin
Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
hmmmmmm no

hmmmmmm no