CHAOS Club Meeting – March 2021

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StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 4 days 8 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
CHAOS Club Meeting – March 2021

Our March club meeting will be on Zoom (details below). We will be discussing membership, upcoming events, and brewhouse maintenance/equipment needs.

We will also announce that Alchemist applications are starting for 2021. In short, Alchemist is an honorary membership level with perks for super volunteers. You are eligible to become an Alchemist after demonstrating that you have gone above and beyond to help run and grow the club.

March Meeting:
Tue Mar 9th, 7:00–9:00pm

Here's the agenda:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 312 840 5845
Passcode: 2020

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,3128405845#,,,,,,0#,,2020# US (Chicago)

Ben r.
Ben r.'s picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Financials for February are

Financials for February are here! Cash balances still pretty good, all things considered.