CHAOS Maibock Competition

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PBrewCook's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
CHAOS Maibock Competition

Zicke Zacke, Zicke Zacke Hoi! Hoi! Hoi!

Zicke Zacke, Zicke Zacke Hoi! Hoi! Hoi!

Prost! Prost!

We are in the deepest dark of winter, but we must look forward to arrival of spring. Now is the time for all good brewers to plan for this celebration! What do we drink in spring? Maibock! Why do we brew it now? Lagering!


CHAOS Spring Club Competition is celebrating the glory of the BJCP 4C Helles Bock style.


4C. Helles Bock Overall Impression: A relatively pale, strong, malty German lager beer with a nicely attenuated finish that enhances drinkability. The hop character is generally more apparent than in other bocks.


To make things interesting and to keep our lager fridge a bit more organized and streamlined, this will also be a team competition of mixed levels. So experienced lager brewers, grab a newbie or someone that has never tried a lager or someone who maybe needs help with it and form a team. Good Team names, dirndl and lederhosen are encouraged.


Lagers takes time so start planning now. A winner is not likely to be brewed in late April.


Announcement: 2/15

Sign up Deadline: 3/15

Rules: Teams of 2-3 with mixed experience with lagers. This is a good time to grab a new  

brewer/FoC/brewer looking for help with lagers


Sign up details: Google Form

I will confirm your entry. If you do not receive a confirmation please email


Work Shop:

                Tasting  Commercial Varieties: 2/26 7:30 PM on Zoom Details to follow


Entries Due: 5/15/2021 

5 bottles required at this time. We cannot predict if this will be virtually judging or in person.


Judging: 5/16-5/20

Winners Announced: CHAOS May Party/Virtual Event

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 13 hours 56 min ago
Alchemist, member since
CHAOS Maibock Competition -

CHAOS Maibock Competition - Guided Style Tasting

Friday February 26th 7:30 pm via Zoom

Before you brew a Maibock (also called a Helles Bock) for the CHAOS members competition, join us for a virtual guided tasting, to learn about the style, its elements and how it fits in with other styles.  We are also working on getting an expert brewer to join us to discuss brewing the style - stay tuned for that.  

Maibock is a seasonal beer and the relatively few commercial examples distributed are often not available until spring.  The usual suspects - Binny’s, Beer Temple - do not carry any right now.  Good news, though, is that On Tour has their Maibock - Low Boy - on tap and sell it in crowlers.  On Tour won a gold medal at the 2017 GABF for this beer.  

In many ways, the Maibock/Helles Bock sits in between two other, more familiar, styles - the Helles and the Dunkel Bock.  For our tasting, we are going to taste two locally-produced examples of those styles, also.  

For the tasting, you need to pick up:

  • A crowler of Low Boy at On Tour brewing

  • A can of Helles at Dovetail Brewing

  • A can of Lifesblood at Old Irving Brewery

The Helles and Lifesblood are sold in four packs, so you can arrange to share with each other, if you’d like.  The Low Boy is only sold in crowlers, so everyone needs to pick up their own.  Remember to check on hours and whether you need to order online, etc.  This is a nice way for us to support three local breweries during a challenging time for them.  

If you see other examples of Helles Bock/Maibock available, let us know!  Anyone is welcome to join us for this, whether you are entering the competition or not.  If you want the zoom link emailed to you, send me an email at  Otherwise, I will post the link here on Slack, the website, and FB on that Friday afternoon.   


Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 13 hours 56 min ago
Alchemist, member since
Topic: Helles Bock (Maibock)

Topic: Helles Bock (Maibock) Guided Tasting

Time: Feb 26, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 0206 3808
Passcode: 240588

PBrewCook's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Update Update Update Update!

Update Update Update Update!

We're only going to require 2 bottles per team for judging because we are able to do in person versus Virtual. So more beer for you!

PBrewCook's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Please put your 2 entry

Please put your 2 entry bottles in the lagering fridge pictured below. Team Name, beer name, Head Brewer Name and number. Please have them there by 5/18 at 5 pm.

SeanHanna2's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Howdy gents!  I had some

Howdy gents!  I had some issues getting my account setup but that's all squared away now.  Looking forward to hearing the results of the comp on Friday.  I was hoping to be able to attend but I have a conflict I can't reschedule.  

Looking forward to drinking some beers and seeing those mugs in all their maskless glory soon!

