Just got word that this event will be postponed to fall.
Armanetti's on Linclon is having a homebrew competition!!
If you've got a "Crazy IPA" in progress or can have one ready by July 29th, then head to the store (on Lincoln) and pre-register your brew by July 15th!!
Contest will be held on July 29th!! Bring in two 22oz. bottles of your "Crazy IPA" homebrew and let the tasting and hopefully winning begin!!
Not sure if knowing yours was the best is the only prize or if other prizes will be offered. I'll try to find out...
In the meantime...get brewing!
Friday, July 29th-from 6pm-8pm is the HOME-BREWERS COMPETITION, any style IPA. If you haven't signed up yet, its not too late. Please respond directly to armanetti's at: premiereventserv@aol.com, and indicate that you'd like to be part of the competition.
First place prize will be 100 dollars of store credit for use at Armanetti's on Lincoln and a Stone brewing T-shirt.