Belgium bottle share

Friday, April 15, 2016 - 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
606CHAOS Chicago , IL

Hi Chaos!  The contestants of the Gino's East Dubble event spoke of saving a couple bombers from our entries and sharing them down the road. Well, folks, this is what down the road looks like. Friday, April 15th, please join us at Chaos for a Belgium bottle share!  All we ask is that you bring a Belgium style beer to share. A Dubble, Quad, or the elusive Octoubble.  We don't give a #*%!.  The bottle share will be at Chaos from 7-10. Contestants, please bring any of your delicious entries that are left. We will also be ordering food so please click that 'attending' button or just state that you're coming, so we order a proper amount.  All Belgium lovers are welcome and even the haters. See you then! 

Hubert Bader
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Web-only, member since
I like beer from Belgium! It

I like beer from Belgium! It's so cool! I even made a video for  where I described a lot of educational facts. Thank you creating these opportunities for us.