Join CHAOS for our monthly workshop. This month's workshop is: Kegging Basics, Hosted by: David Williams
The Kegging Basics workshop will cover four main areas:
1) Equipment - What it takes to start kegging and some of the components that you will need for a bare bones system
2) Carbonation Levels - Methods for carbonating your beer in a keg, as well as how to achieve different carbonation levels.
3) Cleaning/Servicing - We will show the various parts of the a corny keg and cover what tools are needed to work on the keg. Lastly we will cover different methods for cleaning kegs.
4) Serving - We will cover different ways to keep your beer cold and at the proper serving temps. We will go into the different setups - from cheap and easy to all the bells and whistles.
The Kegging Basics Workshop will be held at the CHAOS community brew house located at 1329 W. Grand Ave. The brew house is best accessed from the alley to the rear off of Ogden Ave.
This month's work shop will take place on December 3rd at 1:00 pm. If you have any questions please contact David through the website.