Clean Water- Great Beer

Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 3:00 PM to Sunday, July 27, 2014 - 12:00 AM
1355 North Milwaukee Ave Loft #2 press buzzer labeled beer!
60622 Chicago , IL

Join us for a Saturday of local homebrews, live music, raffles, and an opportunity to give back!

Chicago Craft Beer Enthusiasts will be hosting a homebrew event to showcase some of the aweseome local talent to the public, while raising money for Alliance for the Great Lakes. This organization has been dedicated to proecting and preserving these lakes, which we use in our Chicago beers. It's only fitting we help support them and what they do.

The event will be held in a massive 4000 sq ft loft with huge bay windows over looking the stage during Wicker park fest, providing plenty of entertainment. We will have the grills going all do so feel free to toss something on to share. Those not brewing will be asked to make an option donation ($10 suggested), every $10 places you in our raffle for some awesome bottles and swag.

We are still looking for people to brew/bring something to showcase at this event, and of course need people to help enjoy them. If you are interested in brewing/bringing something or attending please shoot me an email at

More details can be found on the event page.


Christopher Mann

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Latest update from Chirs.

Latest update from Chirs.

Just a quick mass reminder about our Homebrew Showcase charity event tomorrow. (Apologies if you received this info already. Please update your rsvp so we can get an accurate head count. The event starts at 3pm and is being held at: 1355 N Milwaukee Ave Chicago IL 60622. The building is located across from Antique taco, and will have a sign on the door and buzzer! To get to the building you will need to enter Wicker Park fest, just mention you are going to the above address to avoid being hassled for a donation. Public transportation is also recommended due to street closures. Feel free to bring food to share, or something to toss on the grill. As explained on the event page, we are collecting donations to support a great organization. Please make donations via the gofundme link on the page, where the money is sent directly to the organization. Every $10 will add your name to our raffle for some awesome bottles just posted on the page.