Reinheitsgebot Fete @ The Radler

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
2375 N Milwaukee Ave
60647 Chicago , IL

From friends over at Logan Brewlevard Society:

"We have a date for the Reinheitsgebot Fete ("party")! The showcasing of all our home brews will be on Thursday November 10th at das Radler on Milwaukee Ave. This should allow ample time for those who choose to lager.

Kegs will be tapped and and bottles will be cracked circa 6:30pm. There will be a limit of 55 people (per the occupancy) of the private back room. Tickets will be $10/person and will include lots of great German food from das Radler (plus access to all the "free" beer that we bring).

I encourage everyone to participate, with the one caveat being that you must brew in the Reinheitsgebot fashion! No adjuncts, but we will allow the yeast (not originally allowed).

Please PM me if you and/or someone you know would like a ticket. First come, first served. We will start a spreadsheet for attendees as they come in. Please send your $10 payment to our club PayPal account now that it is set up."



Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Web-only, member since
Reinheitsgebot is the lovely

Reinheitsgebot is the lovely place to visit there and spend free or Holiday Time there. In this article you like to put short introduction of this beautiful place for those people who want to know about this place. I hope others people who personal have experiecne with that place must share here.

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Web-only, member since
On this page it is informed

On this page it is informed that a party is going to be held, timing, seclude and the limit of people is described here. There are so many jobs of paper wrіtіng but I don’t know how to apply for that, so please somebody guide me.