Tuesday Brewsday

Mike T's picture
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
2417 W Hubbard St
60612 Chicago , IL

Tuesday Brewsday is our monthly Open House and group brew session. New members and Non-members are welcome and encouraged to join! Come see what brewing at CHAOS is like! Feel free to help as little or as much as you'd like, or just hang out and enjoy some homebrew.


This month's style is Double IPA

Mike T
Mike T's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Here's the recipe for Tuesday

Here's the recipe for Tuesday (for 5 gallons).

There will be a lot of volume lost to hops, so target volumes are 7 gallons after boil, 6 gallons into the fermenter, and 5 gallons into bottles or the keg.


OG = 1.080

FG = 1.015

ABV = 8.51%

IBUs (calculated) = 230

SRM = 6



American 2-Row = 16 lbs

Wheat = 1 lbs

Cara 40 = 0.5 lbs

Dextrose (late addition) = 2.5 lbs



90 mins - Warrior - 2 oz

90 mins - Chinook - 2 oz

45 mins - Simcoe - 1 oz

30 mins - Columbus - 1 oz

0 mins - Centennial - 2.25

0 mins - Simcoe - 1 oz

Dry Hop (7 days) - Columbus - 3.25 oz

Dry Hop (4 days) - Centennial - 1.75 oz

Dry Hop (4 days) - Simcoe - 1.75 oz



Omega British Ale I (Whitbread), with appropriate starter




Gypsum - 1g

Lactic - 11.08 ml



Lactic - 3.85 ml



Gypsum - 11g

Table Salt - 3g