Alchemist Applications 2022

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Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Alchemist Applications 2022

As the club's secretary and on behalf of the other officers and the board, I'm delighted to announce that the annual process for Alchemist selection is now open and the online application is here.  

Alchemists are CHAOS members who have gone far above and beyond for the club. Everyone makes CHAOS great, but Alchemists are selected for special recognition due to the time, effort, and resources they have dedicated to the club.


Once a year, members who wish to become Alchemists have the opportunity to apply to the officers and board, who make the final selection. Members must apply to be considered, by submitting this form before midnight on Tuesday March 29, 2022.  Any new Alchemists selected will be announced at the club's monthly meeting two weeks later, on Tuesday April 12, 2022.  Once selected, as long as you're still a friend, apprentice, or brewer you'll never need to re-apply.

Alchemist Perks 

In addition to recognition for outstanding service to the club, alchemists receive:

      - one free storage shelf at the brewhouse
      - one free guest to all CHAOS quarterly events
      - access (after training) to the Tower of Power (to be replaced by the Spike Trio)


To be considered, applicants must have been a member (friend, apprentice, or brewing) for at least one year.  Applications from those who have been members for less than a year will not be considered. 

Beyond that minimal requirement, applicants should document specific ways in which they have made significant contributions to the success and ongoing operation of the club.  Examples include (but are not limited to):

     - helping build, repair, clean and maintain the brewhouse
     - brewing for at least two quarterly events 
     - organizing and hosting an open house, hoppy hour, or workshop twice a year
     - volunteering at two or more quarterly events

To apply, fill out and submit the online form here.  You do not need to include an answer to every question, although applicants should be aware that this is a highly selective process.  Members may re-apply in future years if they are not selected in 2022.  

If you have any questions, contact me via the club's Slack channel or at  

Application deadline is midnight on Tuesday March 29, 2022.