Thanks to everyone who helped out with the party! We killed it yesterday! I heard nothing but good things from our guests! Super fun afternoon with a great vibe and tons of people.
Reed, Chuck and Matt killed it with the food!
Not only did Steven managed to fit 80 beers, plus food, one menu, he also made kick ass CHAOS cornhole boards! They're currently in the upstairs storage room. Please feel free to use them while at the brewhouse!
So, we brought in $1920 in donations, taster glasses (they're all gone), and some tshirts! Pretty good numbers for a free event! We'll have all the costs figured out by next meeting, but we definitely came out ahead financially.
Great job guys!
This is fantastic! Thanks to everyone who helped and our usual CHAOS All Stars!!
I only passed through the grill area, mad love to all who endured that hellacious heat all day!
I wasn’t only at the fest for 20 minutes, but it was really well attended and looked to be running smoothly. Thanks to everyone for their hard work. I also brewed the next day at 10:30am and the club was in great shape, considering. Well done!
I want to try to get as much of the costs for BBQ identified this month as I can - if you have receipts for food, Ice, gas, etc - please get in touch by PM email, or whatever!