Wine-Barrel Sour...

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Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Web-only, member since
Wine-Barrel Sour...

I talked to Daniel Barker a while ago about emptying this... thoughts? Ideas? Is there a forum post I'm missing? If the beer is still in the barrel, I say we get it out and fill it with something else. What say you!?

Kyle's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since


Daniel, Steven and I have been disucssing this. As of now I think the current plan was to wait till it warms up a bit, empty the barrel and at the same time fill it with an unfermented Lambic wort to let that go for primary and secondary in the barrel. We still need to work out the logisitics and get all the brewers to brew but this will be the ideal plan to empty and fill barrel at same time and to get a traditional lambic fermentation going in the barrel. We did taste the flanders a few weeks ago and while the barrel has lost quite a bit of beer it's tasting good. Steven did add some of his own flanders back in to the barrel to add complexity and help with the fill level.

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Web-only, member since

Sounds like a plan. Sorry I've been MIA for a while, working on a lot of stuff.

Thomas Thorpe
(312) 772-4178

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
does anyone know around when

does anyone know around when we brewed this?  Edit:  Nevermind, found a thread, looks like December 2011.  Wow, club is getting old.

Kyle's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Crazy to think this was my

Crazy to think this was my first ever all grain brew and can't believe how well it turned out. Still drinking amazing right now.