GOOSE ISLAND - Clybourn Brew Pub - Belgian Beer Fest (Beer sign-up)

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chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
GOOSE ISLAND - Clybourn Brew Pub - Belgian Beer Fest (Beer sign-up)

Goose Island asked us to be a part of their Belgian beer fest on Sept. 13!

Here is the beer sign-up sheet. We will cap it at 20 gallons and one beer per person, no more than 5 gallons per person and no less than 2 gallons.

Also, we can only take (3) CHAOS volunteers to pour.

CHAOS will need to submit the final beer list on Monday Aug. 31 to GOOSE, so the Beer List will be on Lock-down after that. 

If you have questions, let me know. Cheers, Nanc

Brandon Kessler
Brandon Kessler's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
So is there a minimum then?

So is there a minimum then? (i.e, 6/12/24 bottles)

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
There is no minumum required

There is no minumum required by Goose other than have at least 15 gallons total, but I don't want it to get really confusing/sloppy for us by bringing too many different kinds of beers and keeping track of them all. I would say Minimum of 2 gallons, so either a case of 12 oz or 10-12 bombers, of the same beer/style.

Thanks! Nanc


chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
Do not fret...There is still

Do not fret...There is still time to brew!

So if you haven't already signed up to bring one of your beers yet, please do so! We'd love to have a good mix of CHAOS brewers/beers in attendance. Idealy I'd like to have about 1-2 more Belgian beers on our list.

Final sign-up for beers at the fest will be Aug. 30. I need to submit to Goose Island what beers we are bringing so they can print up the promotion materials and menus for the event.

If you have any questions let me know.
Cheers, Nanc

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Hey, I have a really awesome

Hey, I have a really awesome Saison. However, I wouldn't want to submit it unless I was there to serve it. I added the beer to the list - LMK.

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
OK, add it and yourself to

OK, add it and yourself to the list. Once we have final list, I'll confirm our spots for serving too. 

Thanks! Nanc

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
Sorry forgot to update this

Sorry forgot to update this thread. I brewed my beer on Tuesday 8/12

Matt O
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Alchemist, member since
 I have a Saision I could

 I have a Saision I could pour at this, but do we really want to have another Saison?

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
We do have a lot of Saisons..

We do have a lot of Saisons... if you want to add yourself to the list as a maybe, jsut so we are covered, that would be good. I also need to check to see if we can get more than 3 people to come to the event.

Thanks, Nancy

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
It's a four hour event, maybe

It's a four hour event, maybe we can have two shifts and rotate people?

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
I have a half dozen or so

I have a half dozen or so random sour ales, think one goes back to one of our first barrel projects three years ago. We could do a 2pm sour tasting, that went well at one of the Brew-Ha-Ha events we did.

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
Steven, That's a good idea. I

Steven, That's a good idea. I will check on this split shift, and I like the idea of having a sour hour. I'll talk to Erica about it. Thanks, Nanc

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
OK. List is on lock-down. I

OK. List is on lock-down. I submited our beers to Erica at Gosse Island Clybourn and she is cool with the (5) of us who signed-up to pour our beers to come.

It looks like a very tasty list. Thanks everyone for chipping in to brew or donate some of your beers for the fest!

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Hey, anyone able to transport

Hey, anyone able to transport beer from the brewhouse to the event?

I have a keg in the fridge, it would be awesome if someone with a vehicle could bring my keg along.

I would be able to meet you at the brewhouse and get supplies over to the event and set up.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
My beer is bottled and in the

My beer is bottled and in the ferm room; to the right as your walk in. They have a piece of paper in the boxes desigating them as mine and what kind of beer.

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
I have an SUV for the weekend

I have an SUV for the weekend, so I can transport any of the beer from CHAOS to GOOSE.
Just label it and let me kow where it is.

Please be at GOOSE ISLAND at 9am for set up. Event starts at 11am.

Peeps registered to pour are:
Nancy Rockwood
Steven Lane
Matt Omura

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
Hey Nancy,

Hey Nancy,

When are you doing keg pickups for the fest? I can meet you at the brewhouse.

Also, I believe we will need gas and picnic taps.


chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
8:30 am. Sunday. I have

8:30 am. Sunday. I have bottles. Matt, can you advise? 


Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
The club gas is empty, in

The club gas is empty, in case you're planning on using that.

Matt O
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Alchemist, member since
There is a second chaos tank

There is a second chaos tank that is full. I have a 4 way air manifold and we can use the club jockey box. Do we need a table? Our signage? Can we sell our t-shirts? I will be brewing that morning and won't be there before 12.

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Jeff, can we use your tank

Jeff, can we use your tank for the event?

There should be enough gas in Jeff's tank, which is hooked up to my keg in the gross fridge.

Do we have multiple kegs?

Do we have a splitter to run multiple kegs?

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Yep, feel free to use my tank

Yep, feel free to use my tank!  Please be sure to put it and the regulator back in my storage spot when done. I'll need to have it refilled at B & G this week.

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
Goose will have a table for

Goose will have a table for us. Yes, let's bring our vinyl signage. No, I don't think we can sell shirts. 

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm at CHAOS (8:51am). Nancy,

I'm at CHAOS (8:51am). Nancy, are you on your way to pick up?

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
How did everything go at the

How did everything go at the fest?

chirocky's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Apprentice, member since
It was good. Only our sours

It was good. Only our sours got polished off. we had a lot of beer options. We made some good connections with other breweries for Tuesday Brewsday and future member apperciatation parties, so it was a good smooze fest too.

Overall it was a very nice event, happy to have been a part of it, but it was a long day for those of us that set up and monitored everything.

I put the beers not drank in the Ferm room. There are 3 kegs, half empty and yours (jeff) and mine, remaining bombers. Mine have the yellow caps. I'll pick them up this week.

Cheers, Nanc

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Nancy is right, it was a

Nancy is right, it was a great networking opp, and many of the brewers were willing to explain their recipes and processes, so it was very educational as well.

People responded well to sour ales released at specific times. Transient had lines form ten minutes prior to very limited bottle releases (they also had two kegs going throughout the day.)

We need a CHAOS jockey box to present better at these kind of events. We looked like the rinse station between two breweries.