Homebrew Con 2019

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Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Homebrew Con 2019

Homebrew Con 2019 will be held June 27-29 in Providence, RI. For those of you who have never been to one, it's a great experience for homebrewers. Lots to love: seminars, trade show, networking with other homebrewers, and, of course, free beer.

You can register here on March 12th: https://www.homebrewcon.org/register/  You need to be a member of the AHA to attend the convention: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/membership/join-or-renew/

Southwest flies from Chicago to Providence, which is really convenient. I bought my plane ticket yesterday and noticed that a lot of the direct flights with decent departure and arrival times are almost sold out, so you it would be a good idea to make a decision soon.

We normally use Air BnB to lower the cost of lodging. If anyone would like to take on the search for somewhere to stay, please comment below.

As discussed at last night's meeting, we have two options for serving beer at the convention. 

1) Serve at Homebrew Island in the social area at the trade show. The advantage of serving here is that all we have to do is ship kegs of beer and create signage. AHA will provide a 12 tap system, CO2, cellaring, and tools.

2) Have a booth at club night. The AHA provides cellaring, however, we will need to create a booth, ship the materials, and bring our own CO2 and serving equipment.

We (all club members in attendance) will vote on this during the monthly meeting on March.

CHAOS will be submitting an entry for the Radegast Club of the Year competition. In addtion to nationwide recognition for the club, we could win $1000. The ask for two forms of presentation as part of the nomination process. Steven (video) and Jon (written) have volunteered to take the lead on this.

Hopefully a bunch of us can make it this year!! It would be cool to have a large CHAOS presence for the convention.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Registration is open!

Registration is open!