7.2 Cu Ft Kenmore Chest Freezer - $125 @ K-mart

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eric's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
7.2 Cu Ft Kenmore Chest Freezer - $125 @ K-mart


Pretty sweet deal for anyone looking to make a keezer or a fermentation chamber.


Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Do you know how many 5 gallon

Do you know how many 5 gallon kegs would fit in this?

eric's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
I don't have this exact model

I don't have this exact model, but I have a similarly sized GE 7 cu-ft chest freezer that can fit four kegs, with the CO2 cylinder on the bump. If you were to add a collar you could fit six with the cylinder outside. This model has very close dimensions to mine so I would assume you could get similar results.

I think it might be soldout now though...


ChristopherPoisson's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
It fits four on the floor w/a

It fits four on the floor w/a collar.  at least another on the hump, possibly 2.  I have that exact model and can confirm the 4. Hope it helps.  Also, I've had it for about a year, and no problems so far...knock on wood.

eric's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
The deal is back, in case

The deal is back, in case anyone is still interested...
