Proposed purchase- graduated cylinders

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Eric Mott
Eric Mott's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Brewer, member since
Proposed purchase- graduated cylinders

Coming over from slack so everyone can see.

Can we get some small and accurate measuring tools for volume? Last week I tried adding a tincture to a 5 gal batch and thought it would be nice to add on a small scale before risking my whole beer. Last night a newer member was trying to do the same thing. Eventually we found an erlenmeyer flask that was marked as small as 200ml and a shot glass that was marked in milliliters, but who knows if that was accurate. This set of Glass graduates cylinders are pretty cheap at $15, comes in a box that we can keep them in for as long as it lasts to keep them safe, will be great for adding tinctures to beers, blending beers, measuring lactic acid, etc.. seems like a great thing to have on hand.  

Aozita Glass Graduated Cylinder Set - 5ml, 10ml, 50ml, 100ml - Lab Measuring Cylinder Set with 1ml Dropper and Brushes

Eric Mott
Eric Mott's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Brewer, member since
Glass so they can be boiled

Glass so they can be boiled and sanitized. 

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
Don't get glass. They will

Don't get glass. They will last approximately -0.5 months in the CHAOS brewhouse. Polypropylene will work just as well. 

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 10 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Eric, I think this is a great

Eric, I think this is a great idea and am willing to approve a one time $15 purchase for these.

What Kyle said, please avoid glass. Those things will be destroyed within days of your purchase.

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 4 min ago
Alchemist, member since
The shot glass with blue

The shot glass with blue markings in ounces and ml is accurate - I bought it, measured it and then gave it to the club.

Ben r.
Ben r.'s picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
These would be good to have.

These would be good to have. I have a couple of larger graduated tubes I can donate (plastic, but work fine) these are 50 to 100ml.  FWIW I’ve only found a use for the 10ml (for acid additions) and I could only find as a set.