Fri, Nov 18, 2011 - 3:03pm
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since print $member_since; ?>
Brewing Today 11/18
I'll be brewing today at the brewhouse if anyone wants to join. Leaving for there now, 3:20.
The open house was fun this Sunday. How did everyone's stouts turn out?
protocol is that we have to have met you from an event or two, you have to be a paid member, and you have to get someone with a key to let you in and out. There's like 10 people with keys though and people have been around there pretty frequently so the latter part isn't too much of a problem. You can leave a carboy but you have to take your equipment with you. Our equipment is available for use.
thanks for coming out, was nice to have someone hanging around at the end of brewing instead of just the beginning.
I hope so, left it with two blowoff tubes all though I don't think that one tiny partigyled beer is going to need it at all. Will have to add extract to it sunday to make it normal gravity.