Charlie Orr Memorial Chicago Cup - CHAOS Brewhouse Dropoff

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Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
Charlie Orr Memorial Chicago Cup - CHAOS Brewhouse Dropoff

Hey Citizens of CHAOSville . . . .

Registration for the 2020 version of the Charlie Orr Memorial Chicago Cup is open!  Go to  , sign up and enter your beers.  Last year, CHAOS came in second in the club competition for the Chicago Cup - it is really amazing how well CHAOS as a club does in competitions these days.  And not just folks winning medals, but gold medals at the NHC and Best of Show beers.  Its really remarkable - those are rare accomplishments!   

Brew & Grow (Chicago) is a drop off location but I'll also pick up any entries folks want to leave at the brewhouse.  The deadline (assuming the entry limit isn't hit earlier) is Friday March 13th and I'll probably pick them up and take them to Hailstorm the next day (thats when I'm picking up from B&G, also).  Leave your entries in the fridge by the garage door.