If anyone out there in CHAOS land knows how to prepare tax forms, please let me know. When we applied for our EIN number we were told that we need to submit Form 1120 by 11/15/2012. I've filed for an extension (one, because we're still waiting on our 501(c)3 determination; two, after downloading about a dozen different schedules and forms referenced on the 1120, my head's spinning, I have no freakin' clue what's going on). But, we will have to complete some kind of tax forms at some point.
If you would be gracious enough to take on our tax documents on a yearly basis, terrific! If you'd just like to show me what to do year in and year out, that's cool, too!
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I think we should invest in TurboTax/TaxCut for small business. I'm pretty decent at tax stuff, but even my tax law professor uses (and highly recommends) TurboTax.
That's fine with me. Looks like we'd need the $150 version based on the form(s) we'd have to file.
We have a 6 month extension AND David has put me in touch with one of his CPA friends whom I've already contacted.
I'll ask him if TurboTax is the way to go (I trust your opnion; just would like a second opinion before shelling out the money).
Thanks for the suggestion, Adam!
Talking with a CPA is definitely a good idea, particularly since we want to make sure our ducks are in a row vis a vis our 501(c)(3) status.
True, true. Very true. We're still waiting on the IRS for that designation, though...
What period are they asking us to file for?
The IRS stated no "period." They just said Form 1120 is due 11/15/2012.
I'm in touch with David's friend Gary who's a CPA and he's already been tremendously helpful. Looks like he's both willing to help us out as well as to teach me how to do do it.