I know that someone besides me (maybe James Faircloth) posted about Capone's Liquors up on Elston wanting to partner with us. I also recall this person mentioning Freddy, the owner. I also remember this person said that Freddy would like me/us to call to talk about partnering and gave the phone number.
I've tried to use the "Search" box with keywords "Capone", "Capone's", "Freddy", "Freddie" and even with some wild card * searches; I'm coming up with nothing besides the post I myself wrote.
Can someone point me to the listing?
I also did some searching and only found the following: http://www.chaosbrewclub.net/comment/65581#comment-65581. You sure it wasn't a private message?
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...
it was james but i think it was either a PM or an email. i'll do some digging and try to find it since he copied me on it too
Maybe it was a PM...sorry.
It was indeed. Thanks for the help!!!
(I don't know if we just want to delete this thread since the problem was solved; if so, go ahead and delete.)