Help spread the good word about CHAOS Brew Club!
We now have an e-mail address:
I will re-post on the CHAOS web-site any pertinent e-mails or information received via e-mail; or pass e-mails directed to any one person to the appropriate person.
You can follow on Twitter: @CHAOSBrewClub
If there are any CHAOS events, news, or announcements you'd like me to Tweet about, shoot me a message and I will get it out into the Twittersphere!
Other perks coming down the pipeline:
- member cards (for discounts around town on homebrewing and beer related items);
- stickers/decals;
- t-shirts;
- other promotional items
Does anyone more savvy with FaceBook know why we show up under "Places" instead of "Pages" in a search?
Actually, Steve and Iggi did most of the work with some boarding and hanging assistance from me and Dave. I still have dibs on that grey one. What I was asking was if Iggi ironed the shirts to set the design/ink.
On Thursday during the "Ides of Cider" meeting, Dave, Iggi, Steven, and I did the shirts you see in the Facebook page. But, the more the merrier if you have a friend who can help.
He had a facebook pic with several done up. What sizes did you all get? Did you find a good way to do the silkscreening? I still have a friend that will do it all for beer if we provide shirts.
Jim, awesome job with the twitter and Facebook! I met with the guys of New Chicago Brewing Co yesterday and passed out some of the cards. They gave me a whole tour of The Plant (truly awesome) and I bet they would host some of us if you guys are interested in connecting with them. They are both very enthusiastic about helping home brewers and hope to even have some taps in their tap room dedicated to home brew. Let me know if you want me to try and set something up.
Iggi, did you iron all of them or just the one you were sportin'?
With 25 "likes" we now have an official FaceBook Username:
Facebook page is now updated. If anyone has anything they want to see up there, please let me know; anything they do not want to see up there, let me know that, too.
Let's get s'more "likes"! I encourage those of us who use FaceBook to post a status updated about CHAOS.
Also, to anyone who's reading this and beyond, if you have something for me to Tweet - anything at all - please e-mail Even if it's just what you're drinking at the moment; any cool new label you've seen; you want to give a shout out to a brewer/brewery (and I can make sure they get it), or you just want to lament your lack of beer in hand at the moment.
We have a spike in followers but to my dismay a few people have STOPPED following us already.
Awesome. You da man. And he's da man. You both da mans.
I talked with kellis brother who made the original file conversions. He thinks that he may have time over the weekend to take the alt files and convert them.
I was telling Dave that the .esp files are easier/better to work with (in my opinion having messed around on several different sights' design program. The only "CHAOS Brew Club" logos we have for use on promotional stuff are .jpg.
Do you know anyone who can convert chaoslogoalt1.jpg ("CHAOS Brew Club") and chaoslogoal2.jpg ("CHAOS <-- Brew Club -->") to .esp?
I prefer brew club over homebrew club, because the latter pinholes us a bit. We appreciate commercial and craft beers as well and encourage exploring their styles, histories, production, etc. We frequent tastings offered by larger breweries as well as small. Its more beer cultural overall when we speak of brew club vs strictly DIY.
Okay. Just wonderin'. I've been looking around at different things to actually put our logo on (as mentioned in the "Ides of Cider" threads) but I wanted to wait and see if people had other ideas for logos or if we're standing pat with The Classic.
I heard that the "CHAOS Brew Club" is preferable to the "CHAOS Homebrew Club." Is this general consensus? If so, I'll go with that with whatever I print up.
we should stick with the logo as we build our 'brand', and just find as many awesome things to slap it on as we can.
I forgot to ask you, Iggi, what are your thoughts on other items? Should we come up with various designs for other promotional items or should we just go with the classics "CHOAS Brew Club" logo as is?
Oh, nice! I didn't know that!
we are woring on tshirts - following up if our screen is ready. i will start making those as soon as its a go.
i have a graphic design back ground, but no longer have access to any software. (illustrator, photoshop)
Also, if anyone can do some graphic design, it would be much appreciated. I am not at all familiar with graphics editing programs or the different image file extensions (e.g., which is better - if any - for a decal: .jpg, .png, .ai, .gif, .esp?).
Basically, we potentially need several different CHAOS logos/ideas/pictures/drawings converted into the appropriate graphics files to be used on the membership card, t-shirts, coasters, sampler glasses, decals, and other promotional, wear-able, use-able stuff.
If anyone would like to design the membership card and/or a sticker/decal, please contact me. I have several files for you to work with and we can do color.