HUGE THANK YOU! to all Cinco volunteers.....

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enash7070's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
HUGE THANK YOU! to all Cinco volunteers.....

I just wanted to thank everyone that brewed a beer, donated their time, and helped out at the event.  Because of ALL OF YOU it was a huge success...It could of not got done, or been as successful had everyone not participated.  So many of you helped out so much, whether it was running for ice, mowing the lawn, breaking down the stage, and washing dishes...the list goes on and on...

Additionally I am extremely grateful to the Alchemists for trusting in me and getting 100% of their support to do the things I wanted to do....

I also want to give special notice to Monica, Robert, and Chuck for coming in early and doing all that food prep, chopping all the veggies, cooking the meat, and getting everything ready to serve 150 was nothing short of awesome...

and... Thank You for all the compliments on the Cinco Event...I truly appreciate them and glad that so many of you enjoyed the event.  We have an awesome club and I am proud to be apart of it.  We really have an impact on the brewing community.  When I solicited Midwest Supplies for donations in Minneapolis they were well aware of who we are and follow us on our website.  They were excited to be apart of our event...That in itself reflects the impact we have as a brew club.

I encourage everyone to now help Jamie and the 4th of July event.  Please give him the same support you gave me so we can make that one even better...!!!

Again Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone that helped and supported this event!
