I have been using the immersion chiller at the brewhouse for my last few brews with really great results. Tonight I was able to cool my wort to 64F in <15 minutes.
It’s super easy and quick to sanitize and setup and just as easy to clean and put away. No long process to setup and run PBW and water and StarSan before chilling. no playing around with the pump and flow, and no timely cleanup.
It can mess with your whirlpool, but that’s manageable.
I realize the main chillier has its role, especially in the warmer months, but with the water coming out super cold now, people should give it a try.
Thanks for posting, Sean - I feel like less of a failure now! :)
On a related note, part of the reason it probably works better is because Brandon plugged the pressure booster back in.
Good point, Sean. It's a valid option when not in the summer months!
However, once you go whirlpool arm you can never go back! NEVERRRRRR
Whirlpool with an immersion chiller is pretty much the best option for the typical homebrewer, though.