Kyle's Practice (virtual) Seminar for HomebrewCon!

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Kyle N
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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Kyle's Practice (virtual) Seminar for HomebrewCon!


This Monday, please join me via GMeet for a dry run of my HBC virtual presentation entitled: Practicing Precise Packaging: Tips and Tricks for Bottling and kegging. While I am using this as an opportunity for a dress rehearsal for my (nationally broadcast?!?!) talk on Friday, this is your opportunity to get this talk for free! My goal is to represent CHAOS to the highest degree and so will be soliciting advice, critiques, and your proofreading skills while hopefully teaching everyone a little something they may not have known before.

WHEN: Monday, June 15th, 7:30PM
WHERE: GMeet invitation (you do not need to have your webcams on!)
HOW: Please send me a RSVP to so that I can create an event and provide a link back to you!