Noticed the lager fridge is looking pretty full. I'm hoping to get one in there in May 10th. Just wanted to make a public declaration of my intentions, hopefully someone will have moved their brew on by then. Should we set up a reservation system similar to the brew bays so people can plan ahead, it would be unfortunate for someone to go through the trouble of making a starter and showing up ready to get your lager on only to be left out of the cold. I'm planning 2 lagers in May, one May 10th and one May 31st, hopefully my brew from the 10th will be done fermenting by the time the 31st rolls around so that I'm only taking up one space. I don't want to take up more than my fair share of space in there, but I am intending on occupying a space in the fridge from May 10th till probably the second Saturday in June.
Fri, Apr 18, 2014 - 7:07pm
Lager Fridge Space
I have two buckets in there that I will pull out in about two weeks, so you should be good. I noticed that only one of the fridges is pluged in and cold, could we just hook up the second fridge that is resting above the current lager fridge? or is there something wrong with it?
Awesome, thank you. The fridge on top needs repairs, not sure exactly what, but I recall hearing it would cost several hundred to get it operational, given that lager brews are relatively rare and we just bought the new brew pots, I don't envision it occurring anytime soon. But I hear we may be acquiring a new regular-assed fridge so that may be useful to us.
That second fridge is going to cost about a grand to fix. I say dump it in the alley...
That's probably the best option, we can do something cheaper than that if we want to expand our lagering capacity, I'm not sure if we can gain enough traction to warrant expanding our lager capacity. It seems to be close to sufficient at this point, although if more space were available, perhaps more folks would use it, I don't know. I do think that it might be beneficial to add an online schedule for the lager fridge. I know we're supposed to get that extra fridge from Matt, maybe one can be designated lager fridge 2 and outfitted with stronger plywood shelves. Maybe someone has better ideas, I just wanted to make sure there'll be space for my brews next month and to start a conversation about how to improve our lager capacity.
I think a reservation system for lagering would be great
Jim is right about the top fridge, the compressor is dead. I had it quoted once. I think it was around 1k as Jim said. However the expectation was that it could be a temp controlled hot box. It just never happened
Needs are cheap $25 controller and a space heater, really cheap. Saison season is upon us. Hot box was why we hadn't thrown it out.