Hey everyone,
I'm in the middle of a mini-fridge to kegerator conversion, and am trying to gather all the pieces.
Does anyone have any kegs, regulators, faucets, towers, etc.. for sale?
Thanks a lot !
Hey everyone,
I'm in the middle of a mini-fridge to kegerator conversion, and am trying to gather all the pieces.
Does anyone have any kegs, regulators, faucets, towers, etc.. for sale?
Thanks a lot !
awesome, thanks guys! Bill, PM'ing you now..
Occasionally Bill Mason sells 5 gal. Corny kegs. Check with him to see if he's getting any sometime soon.
As far as towers go...[edit] I was just about to say, "They go anywhere from $120-$400+ for a double-tap" but I just checked on www.beveragefactory.com and I saw one for $98.95. BUT, when you actually click on the link it says "$89.95." Great deal!!!