Hey Guys. There was a request to broadcast on the webpage when aren't going to use a reserved brewspace. I know my reservation is pretty much up, but I just wanted to say its my fault for not doing this sooner. I had 2 reserved for Josh and I (maybe he still used them, so it's ok), but I had an emergency last night (friend shattered a tooth and it was kinda my fault: piggy backride went bad). And I've just finished supporting that.
I will try to be better about announcing in the future if I have to cancel a space.
I missed the meeting too, so real quick: I've got a new rasberry pi 3 that I talked to some of the board about and bought for the club. It's ready to go, will be permenent, and will allow the TV to play all your internet favorites (youtube, netflix, wikipedia, homebrewtalk, etc) along with being a fully functioning computer so it can do spreadsheets and presentations too. It will run linux, which seems a little offputting to some... but it basically work like a Mac, so should be pretty straight forward. I'll post soon with full details, instructions, and pictures.
I know I missed the meeting, did Jim bring up upgrading the keezer? If not, I'll make a post.
I hope your friend's OK, and you need to name your next beer Piggyback Ride Gone Bad
Thanks man. She got it capped today (which is a huge relief). Don't know if I'll name a beer after it; it was really an awful thing.