Moving and the Brew-BQ

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joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Moving and the Brew-BQ

A few thoughts, questions, and statements:

1.  I saw someone mention the need for increased membership to help cover rent at wherever our operation winds up, I'm one brew away from brewer level, if volunteering at the brew bq counts I'm in…so there's that.

2. I just cancelled my scheduled brew on saturday, was planning a saison, but it wouldn't be in bottles by the time we have to move and that's just one less thing to deal with, I'll wait till we get settled in the new place wherever it may be.

3. Whenever we do move, I'm a trucker, I don't think we do, but if for some reason we needed a big ass truck, I'm licensed to drive any vehicle on the road.

4. There are a few places on Milwaukee and California near Revolution that might fit the bill, I'll do what I can to take a walk and get some info on them

5. Regarding the Brew-BQ, this is my first club event since I just recently joined, I know I need to get my wife a membership on some level so that she can attend per club rules/state laws.  I recall seeing something about having a guest get free entrance if you signed up to work 3 shifts, so that's what I did, I'm just looking for clarification and making sure that's the case, if not how much is the entrance fee?  How much are food and beer prices?  It would also help to know the cost info to help sell this to friends as well.

lucas's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
1. One of your 3 requires

1. One of your 3 requires brew's to get the 24/7 code can be you voluntering, if you haven't already then this will most definitely count!  Given that we have an awesome deal on a space right now, its going to be almost impossible to find another as cheap as this, so if you have any friends that brew let them know!

2. We certainly appreciate you taking this into account, its been a big surprise for all of us and given that we only have a month we're trying to take this one step at a time. 

3. That's good to know, we may certainly need your help on this one depending on where we go.

4. If you feel any of them have some potential, just post about them over in the real estate forum that I created a couple days ago.  We're open to anything and everything as long as its a reasonable cost

5. So if you're voluntering we are giving out some free event entry for one friend or family.  Your wife will need to be a member of the website itself so make sure she has signed up for an account.  Due to state laws we have to maintain a private event so we don't take any money at the door, people have to sign up for a membership before hand. As far as prices to get into the event, there's several options.  First, if they want to brew they could do the Brewer ($26/mo) or Apprentice ($15/mo).  There's also a Friend ($21/every 3 mo) membership which doesn't include any brewing but gets you into all of our events.  Finally if they want to just come to one there's the Trial ($25 one time) membership which gets you two months or brewing and entry to the event.  There are no food and beer prices, you just need to be a member of the club. You can see detailed info at  If you have any questions, don't hestiate to let us know.


Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?