It was posted a week or two ago that we were low on PBW and now we are out. Bring your own or stuff won't get clean.
Three times in the past two years we have run out of either PBW or StarSan and I've brought in some from home to tide us over but we really should never run out of either - cleanliness is a huge issue for us. I'm wondering if we need to figure out a better process for this. To me, this is a much higher priority than the club stocking brewing ingredients. How can we make sure this doesn't keep happening?
Mark ordered ONE. It's at his house and he'll drop it off when we get back from the convention.
Great, thanks. I still think we should come up a plan so this doesn't keep happening. I brewed today and cleaned with hot water only - not ideal.
Is there PBW at the brewhouse now?
We just returned from Homebrew Con last night, so I would plan on it not being there yet.
I left a small container there yesterday that can be used until new bucket gets there.
Thanks, Jon!
@brewhouse now... not seeing PWB.
is it hiding?
found empty big bucket, with John t's lil bucket inside it... both empty.
The PBW won't be dropped off until Friday. So, if you are brewing for the rest of the week, please bring something with you for cleaning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm going to brew camp today. I'll pick up a little jar.
Just as a follow up question, where is the sheet of laminated instructions for PBW that used to sit on top of the bucket?
We did a sheet for Star San but not PBW. The sheet for Star San is attached to the wall post, on the other side of the room, by the bottling/kegging bay. PBW doesn't really require instructions for safety purposes - its like using dish detergent, your items will come clean with alittle or a lot, depending on how much scrubbing and or soaking time you use.
Recommended usage PDF attached. I believe there's more specific info on the actual bucket as well.
For those that are interested, here's a good podcast I heard a few years ago. Its Brew Strong with a guy from Five Star Chemical (who make Star San and PBW).
Jim, it seems I answered your original question in my head, but not in real life. I think the best way to avoid running out of PBW is to order a pail with every group buy, regardless of whether or not it's needed. (We could order two during the next buy to put us ahead of the game.)
I think that's a great idea, Jeff. The only reason we don't (often) run out of StarSan is because there are multiple jugs that come with an order.
Brandon, it's a decent idea, but a jump tub of PBW costs like $200, doesn't it?
James, I think those large buckets are closer to $300!
I think what Jeff means is that whenever a group buy comes along and we don't have a backup bucket in the bathroom then we should order one. If there's one there, then we'll skip the (PBW) purchase.
It's best to be proactive than reactive with our supplies.
50 lbs. PBW = $180 + shippoing ( )
I've found a home brew recipe for PBW using household cleaners, and have started assembling the ingredients. I'll store them upstairs as I get them, that way we have them on hand for the next time this inevitably happens.
The cost is about 1/3 of the per lb cost of PBW, if I recall correctly. It can be made in larger quantities for even cheaper by buying the pure chemicals online, but I don't want to end up on a no fly list, so....
If we're down to one bucket, adding a bucket to the group buy makes sense, lets do it.
It would be cool if we could start making our own PBW without Mike getting sent to Guantanamo.
The large bucket is $150 from Mid Country - but getting to South Holland to pick it up is a haul. My understanding is there is nothing special about PBW chemically. Oxycleen Free is also a alkaline cleaner except it also has generates hyrdogen peroxide when mixed with water.