Can we get a refresh on some of the forums and website features from the website admins? It looks like 90% of activity is in general or announcements. Here's a quick laundry list:
We haven't had committees for like 6 years and many are out of date. Either delete them or change the names
Add a "First brew? Come here" section
Somehow motivate everyone people to share recipes
Somehow motivate everyone people to contribute to our wiki
Update our ancient photo gallery
Get rid of our "featured partners" some of who don't exist and some who don't know who we are
Here's a great wiki example from Pumping Station 1 (thanks for the reminder on them, Brandon)
Lot's of great examples to pull from Maltose Falcons' website, specifically their Tips and Techniques section
Agreed, website use has fallen dramatically. The board has been trying to fix this over the past couple of months. We believe this is mainly due to the ease of using Slack, rather than the website. However, the use of Slack does lack the knowledge sharing features that made our website super useful for homebrewers. At last night's meeting we finalized a committee to tackle the issue, so we look to have this corrected within a few months.
I actually do keep the featured partners up to date. Though, I may remove some of the Big Onion locations like 404 Wine Bar, Derby, etc, because I know no one from the club goes to those places and they won't recognize the card for discounts.
I agree. Jon just let me know (via Slack
) that yall have been talking about it and I just now saw the meeting minutes from the last 2 meetings I missed. Thanks for setting up the committee.
I think the main issue is good content and contributions, which can't really happen with old forum topics.
Re: partners, thank you for keeping them up to date. I always thought it's better to have a better relationship with fewer partners than vice versa. I have a contact with the Director of Ops at Big Onion if you'd like me to talk to him or make an intro. I know they've closed Derby since November 2019.
Yes, that would be great! My contact has left the company, so it would be good to have new one. I'm sure we're still good at Fatpour, but the other ones I'm not so much. Thank you!
I'll remove Derby now.