A buddy of mine has a Johnson controller (like the one pictured here) which he's willing to part with. He's asking $30. Looks like I'm the middle-man. So, contact me if you're interested.
Fri, Jan 10, 2014 - 4:04pm
Johnson Controller
I think we should get it for the lager freezer. How do people feel about that? My temp controller is currently on it but I am going to be needing that back soon.
Does the controller for the keeZer work? It didn't a whole ago but I think people haven't noticed cause its cold
Sounds liek we need it either way, so let's buy it for club use.
Sounds liek we need it either way, so let's buy it for club use.
Sounds liek we need it either way, so let's buy it for club use.
Okay, I'll let my friend know.