A few minutes into brewing today the gas line coming from the wall into burner #3 caught fire... Well gas coming from somewhere did. I have shut it off and left a note not to use it for the time being. I tightened the main attachment point at the burner as well. I am not sure if the leak is coming from somewhere else along the line, but it would probably be wise to have someone take a look at it.
The flex line coming from the wall?
Yes. Flex line.
I'll look at it tonight before I head to Hoppy Hour...
I couldn't find a leak today. We used it to brew and nothing happened. Not sure what happened, but I think it's usable.
We had leak problems with that burner at the old brew house. When it gets jostled it loses its seat where it connects with the burner. Tighten it up like Jonas did and your good to go.