One of the aerators that attaches to a drill broke last week. I stopped by Home Depot, but could not find anything like it. Does anyone know where we got those from?
Fri, Jan 10, 2014 - 10:10am
Wort aerator needs replacement
And here I thought it was a paint stirrer.... I'll pick one up on my next visit, which should be within a week or two.
Did the plastic one break or the stainless steel one?
The stainless steel one, but I found out today that both are broke. I let everyone this afternoon use my oxygen for aeration.
How the hell did the stainless one break. Thing was a tank.
I borrowed it to mix concrete, was that not ok? Jk i have an old one i dont use ill donate to the club next time im there.
Not sure how either broke. Lucas went to use one of them last Tuesday and it was already broke, but put back in the bucket.
Josh, that would be great and can hold us over. I'll donate one to the club when I stop by B & G.
It wasn't the center rod, it was the two flappers/wings/things on the end. Looks like someone had broken them off.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this?
I was planning on going to Brew Camp this morning to grab materials. Should I grab a new aerator attachment for the club?